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Writer's pictureOluwadamilola Akintewe


Project Rebirth is one of my baby ventures which is about training rural women for the purpose of reducing poverty and giving them a source of income generation through sewing skills to benefit them and their families.

Exams were over three weeks ago, my food bank was finished and exhausted. School stopped giving us constant electricity as usual but I stayed back in school and even coerced (in a good way 😂) the members of my team to follow suit for the purpose of running this project. It was stressful, tiring and hectic.

Traveling across communities to raise the awareness first was not a cake walk.

We (my team and I) ran this project across five communities in Akoko, several women were interested but then, we wanted younger women who still have enough energy to learn these skills and put them to use.

But one of the elderly women insisted she wanted to learn as well. There was no stopping her. In fact, she reminded me of my grandmother, a persistent woman herself.

According to her, she was happy we young students were giving back to society and she wanted to learn a skill because she was tired of being idle at home.

Mama came for the training, listened with rapt attention to the trainers who were young enough to be her grandchildren. She never complained at all.

What blew my mind was her expression when she successful sew her own bag as a prototype from the training. Her face glowed, she kept praying for us, thanking us for our efforts to ensure women empowerment.

That moment, I just knew that the expression on her face cannot be bought, ever!

When you positively impact lives and add value to people, young or old, man or woman, you plant a seed that will germinate.

That! My brethren, is how we make the world a better place.

Try it today, add value to somebody's life. Someone you know might or will never be able to pay you back. Then stand in front of the mirror, you'll know how you'll feel and you'll never want to stop impacting lives.

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